Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Alchemist Book Review

I recently read the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I must say this is my favorite book. I mean I just related so deeply. I couldn't put it down and read it in about 2 days after I got it.

The Alchemist is the story of a sheep Shepard who ends up going on a journey to become an Alchemist (those who have mastered turning metal into gold) in order to find his secret treasure.

The book touches up on so many metaphors of life. Like living in the moment and not living in the past or the future. About learning to love and value the journey to get you where you are.

I recommend this book for everyone who believe there's more to life and that we are meant for something greater. If you have a passionate dream that you want to pursue despite all the doubters and fear you have this book will have some great wisdom and will inspire you.

Quick read and you will gain a lot of value. I give this book 5/5 and definitely recommend it.

You can get a copy of this book on Amazon.  

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